CDA Industry Awards
Each year, CDA recognizes leaders for their contributions to the convenience distribution industry. These individuals are important industry fixtures that have paved the way for excellence and innovation in the industry and have worked tirelessly to better it.
Below, you will find Hall of Fame inductees, Dean of the Industry honorees and Distinguished Leadership award winners dating back to when the CDA awards program was reinstated in 2012. For a list of award winners dating back to the establishment of the association, click here.
*Click on the award winners' photos to enlarge; click on the hyperlinked names to view the tribute videos.
CDA's Hall of Fame
CDA's Hall of Fame represents a lifetime of achievement. It is comprised of the industry’s most valued participants—those whose careers are highlighted by continual accomplishments on the industry’s behalf, and who have demonstrated unquestioned dedication to CDA’s highest values.
Mark Davenport (right)
Core-Mark International, Inc.
2024 |
Charlie Casper (left)
Retired, Hardec's
2023 |
Mike Auger (right)
Retired, Reynolds
2023 |
Stephen Altman (right)
Mountain / Service Distributors
2022 |
Keith Canning (right)
Sawyer Island Consulting
Pine State Trading Co.
2020 |
Fred Pateronstro (right)
ITG Brands
Jode Bunce (left)
Eby-Brown Co.
Bob Caldarella (right)
ITG Brands
Paul Auger (center)
Pine State Trading Co.
Sherwin Herring (left)
Southco Distributing Co.
Ricky Jones (left)
Andalusia Distributing Co.
Dick Dunham (left)
Stephenson Wholesale Co.
Elvin Smythers (right)
Merchants Grocery Co.
Pat Carrico (left)
Richmond Master Distributors
Tom Joyce (left)
The Hershey Company
Rick Gummer (center)
Gummer Wholesale Inc.
Kathy Sparrow
Lorillard Tobacco Co.
Bob Douglas
Douglas Companies, Inc.
Eric Atkinson (right)
Atkinson Candy Co.
John White (center)
Swisher Int'l, Inc.
Steve Shing (right)
GSC Enterprises
David Dresser (left)
Core-Mark Int'l, Inc.
Jim Colucci (left)
Altadis U.S.A.
CDA's Dean of the Industry Honorees
The Dean of the Industry recognition highlights the value and importance of the distributor’s many trading partners. It honors manufacturers and other industry members who have demonstrated a strong, continual partnership with, and support of, the distribution class of trade.
CDA's Distinguished Leadership Award
The Distinguished Leadership award recognizes those who have shown extraordinary leadership and guidance for the benefit of CDA and its members. These individuals have exhibited an unwavering commitment to the association, its members and the industry, and are an example and resource for industry colleagues.
Kaye Powell (right)
S. Abraham & Sons, Inc.
2024 |
Kevin Barney (right)
Atlantic Dominion Distributors
2022 |
Chad Owen (right)
Chambers & Owen, Inc.
2022 |
Blake Benefiel (center)
Altria Group Distribution Company
2018 |
Gene Lange (left)
Lange, Kim & Dowell, LLC
2016 |
Debra Robins
Century Distributors, Inc.
2015 |