Distributors Education Foundation
The Drive to Thrive: CDL Scholarship Program
CDA is thrilled to announce the second year of “The Drive to Thrive: CDL Scholarship Program,” which began in 2024. This initiative provides distributor member company employees with an opportunity to grow their careers to become commercial truck drivers. The CDA Distributors Education Foundation provides ten recipients with up to $5,000 towards training at a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) certified CDL training center.
Ready to begin the scholarship process for your nominee?
Have your company’s primary contact reach out to
Lauren Herbert at LaurenH@cdaweb.net or (703) 208-1640.
Scholarship Details:
- CDA Distributor Member Companies in good standing can nominate up to two employees.
- Ten scholarships of up to $5,000 may be awarded.
- Scholarships will be paid directly to an FMCSA certified third-party training center or internal training program.
Dates and Deadlines:
- The scholarship nomination process is now open.
- The last day to complete both Step 1 and Step 2 of the nomination application is Friday, March 21, 2025.
- Scholarship winners will be announced in May 2025.
Nomination Process for 2025:
There is a two-step process that must be completed for nominations to be considered.
Step One: To be completed by the Nominating Company.
- The distributor member company will identify an administrator to serve as the submitter of nominations and primary contact throughout the process.
- The primary contact will verify/confirm nominee meets all eligibility criteria.
- The primary contact will contact CDA (LaurenH@cdaweb.net, 703-208-1640) to begin the scholarship process for their nominee(s).
- CDA to provide the link to the online nomination application for the primary contact to complete on behalf of their company for the nominee(s). To preview the nominating company’s application, click here.
- Once complete, the primary contact will notify the nominee they have been nominated and direct them to complete their individual portion of the online application within 7 days (link e-mailed directly to the nominee).
Step Two: To be completed by the Nominee.
- A link to the nominee portion of the application will be delivered directly to the nominee’s email inbox. To preview the nominee’s application, click here.
- The nominee must complete the application and submit their answers within 7 days of receipt (or a new link will be required).
- Upon completion and submission of the application, the nominee’s submission will be considered complete.
Eligibility and Criteria:
- Nominating CDA distributor member company is in good standing.
- Nominee has been employed by the nominating CDA distributor member company for a minimum of one year.
- Nominee has a valid driver’s license.
- Nominee would like to pursue a career in truck driving with the nominating company by obtaining their Commercial Driver’s license.
- Nominee is 18 years or older.
- Nominee meets CDL Eligibility for state of operation.
- Nominee may not have obtained a CDL or commenced a training program before the receipt of the scholarship.
- Nominee must be awarded the scholarship before registering for a training program.
Choosing a CDL Training Center:
Recipient and employer must identify a mutually agreeable training program that is certified by FMSCA. Click here to review the list of FMCSA approved training centers.
How can my company identify an employee(s) to nominate?
- Host a contest
- Utilize criteria such as:
- Attendance
- Company program involvement
- Length of service
- Performance evaluations
Award Amount and Disbursement:
- 2025 scholarship recipients must enroll in a qualified program by June 1, 2026.
- Recipient and employer must identify a mutually agreeable training program that is certified by FMSCA.
- Recipient registers for training program and submits proof of registration and invoice to CDA.
- Recipient obtains Commercial Learner’s Permit and provides copy of the permit to CDA. CDA shall not pay the invoice until receipt of the Commercial Learner’s Permit. Costs of the training program, up to but not exceeding $5,000, shall be paid directly to the chosen training center or internal training program.
- CDA shall not be responsible for any cost of the training program that exceeds $5,000. If the cost of the chosen training program exceeds $5,000, awardee shall be responsible for any additional costs and expenses.
- Recipient must complete the required training and pass the testing for their CDL within the timeframe specified by their state regulations following the receipt of their Commercial Learner’s Permit, and present proof of completion to CDA.
- In the event that the awardee fails to meet CDL eligibility criteria or obtain Commercial Learner’s Permit, CDA shall have the right to withdraw the scholarship and award it to another nominee.
Questions? Contact Lauren Herbert or click here for frequently asked questions.